Honda Civic/Acura Integra

since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Honda Tsivik
+ Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand Cars
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
- Power supply system and release
   Sbrasyvaniye of pressure in a power supply system
   Check of serviceability of functioning of fuel pump/pressure of fuel
   Check of a condition and replacement of fuel lines and their shtutserny connections
   Removal and installation of the fuel pump
   Check of a condition and replacement of the sensor of fuel consumption
   Removal and installation of a fuel tank
   Cleaning and repair of a fuel tank - general information
   Removal and installation of assembly of an air purifier
   Removal, installation and adjustment of a cable of an accelerator
   System of electronic injection of fuel (EFI) - the general information
   Check of serviceability of functioning of system of injection
   Removal and installation of the case of a throttle
   Removal and installation of a regulator of pressure of fuel
   Removal and installation of the fuel highway and injectors of fuel of injectors of fuel
   Release system - the general information
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ gear shifting Box
+ clutch and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Check of serviceability of functioning of fuel pump/pressure of fuel

See preventions at the beginning of Sbrasyvaniye of pressure in a power supply system.

For check of pressure of fuel the special manometer with a wide range of a scale and a transitional nozzle for manometer connection to injection system is required.

General checks


1. Make sure available of a fuel tank of enough of fuel.
2. Be convinced that the fuel pump really works. Ask the assistant to include ignition, having turned a key in the situation ON, – in a fuel tank the characteristic sound of the working pump should be heard for two seconds.

The working pump is well audible through an open mouth of a fuel tank. If the pump does not turn on, pass at once to check of its electric chain (see paragraph 9).

Verification of the pressure head characteristic of the fuel pump


1a. Connect a special manometer to the verifying union on the fuel filter (see accompanying illustrations).

1b. The transitional nozzle is rolled in an opening under installation of a service bolt (model for 1996 вып.), or instead of a hollow bolt of shtutserny connection (model since 1997 вып.) (see Sbrasyvaniye of pressure in a power supply system).

2. Turn the ignition key in the situation ON (without starting the engine), track, that To/in it was switched off. The fuel pump will turn on on pair of seconds – pressure in a power supply system should rise (check the manometer indication) and to be stabilized.
3. Start the engine and warm up it on single turns to normal working temperature. Compare the manometer indication to requirements of Specifications. Now disconnect a vacuum hose from a regulator of pressure of fuel – pressure should rise immediately, besides to the value stipulated in Specifications.

4. If at the connected vacuum hose pressure exceeds norm, by means of the manual vacuum pump (see an accompanying illustration) create in a regulator depression by depth 305÷355 mm of mercury. If pressure falls, check serviceability of functioning of a source of depression, otherwise replace a regulator.

5. If results of measurement of pressure fall outside the limits an admissible range, execute the following checks:
   a) If pressure is excessively high, check serviceability of giving on a depression regulator (see an accompanying illustration). Depth of depression should fluctuate with change of turns of the engine. If depression is present, check a condition and passableness of a hose/tube of return of fuel. If the returnable line as it should be, replace a regulator.

   b) At excessively small pressure replace the fuel filter, having excluded probability of violation of its passableness. If replacement of the filter does not help to correct a situation, establish the locking gate on a site between a regulator and the returnable fuel line (instead of the gate it is possible to establish a piece of a flexible hose which can be easily pressed by nippers or a clamp). Start the engine and start to block slowly the gate / to press a hose. If pressure rises above value of 3.2 kgfs/cm 2, replace a regulator (see. Removal and installation of the case of a throttle).

Do not allow lifting of pressure above 4.2 kgfs/cm 2. Do not press actually returnable fuel line in order to avoid risk of its damage.

   c) If pressure remains excessively low even at the blocked returnable line, check on existence of leaks an injector (ы) injection (see. Removal and installation of the fuel highway and injectors of fuel of injectors of fuel). Also check serviceability of the fuel pump.
6. Having finished check, dump pressure (see Sbrasyvaniye pressure in a power supply system) and disconnect a manometer.

Check of an electric chain of the fuel pump

More detailed information on the scheme of an electric chain of the fuel pump contains in Head Onboard electric equipment.


1. If the fuel pump at inclusion of ignition does not function (from a fuel tank characteristic sounds are not audible), check a condition of a safety lock of the main thing (PGM-FI) of the relay of system of injection (see. Head Onboard electric equipment). Replace the beaten-out safety lock and repeat check. If after safety lock replacement the pump starts to work, check electroconducting of its chain on existence of signs of short circuit on a site between the PGM-FI relay and the pump.
2. If replacement of a safety lock does not lead to restoration of functioning of the pump, check serviceability of giving of a food on the last. Remove a back seat and make sure available tension of the battery the pump socket of a service cover of assembly of the pump/sensor of fuel consumption. If a food moves regularly, replace the pump.

3a. If the pump not запитан, check a PGM-FI relay contour. Ask the assistant to turn several times a key in the ignition lock from the situation OFF in the situation ON and back (without starting the engine). Thus watch emergence of tension of the battery on the relay socket. The Civic models – the relay is located on the right under a fairing.

3b. The Integra models – the relay is located at the left under a fairing.

3с. At the included ignition tension should move on plugs 5 and 7 (see accompanying illustrations). If a food does not move, check a chain on existence of breaks or short circuit (see schemes of electric connections in Head Onboard electric equipment of the real Management).

On some models below some preset value the sensor switch of pressure of oil works oil pressure drop as the locking valve, blocking supply of fuel – check the sensor switch and electroconducting of its chain (see schemes of electric connections in Head Onboard electric equipment).

The anticreeping system provides an immobilization of supply of fuel. Refusal of system will not allow to make engine start. Check also a chain of the anticreeping alarm system.

4. At serviceable giving of a food remove the relay for check. A wire crossing point connect the positive plug of the battery to the plug of 2 nests of the relay. The plug 1 earth. Then by means of an ohmmeter make sure available conductivity between plugs 4 and 5. If conductivity is absent, replace the relay.
5. In the presence of conductivity connect the positive plug of the battery to the plug of 5 relays, the plug 3 earth. Now conductivity should take place between plugs 6 and 7 otherwise replace the relay.
6. If conductivity takes place, submit a food on the plug 6, earth the plug 1 and check conductivity between plugs 4 and 5. In the absence of conductivity replace the relay.