Honda Civic/Acura Integra

since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Honda Tsivik
+ Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand Cars
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ gear shifting Box
+ clutch and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   Removal and installation of assembly of the forward shock-absorber with a screw spring
   Replacement of the shock-absorber or screw spring of rack-mount assembly of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross-section stability with basic plugs
   Removal and installation of the top control lever of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of the bottom control lever of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of a rotary fist and stupichny assembly
   Removal and installation of assembly of a forward nave with the wheel bearing
   Replacement of spherical support
   Removal and installation of assembly of the back shock-absorber with a screw spring
   Removal and installation of a bar of the back stabilizer of cross-section stability with basic plugs
   Removal and installation of assembly of a back nave with the wheel bearing
   Removal and installation of levers of a back suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of a steering wheel
   Removal and installation of tips of steering drafts
   Replacement of protective covers of the steering mechanism
   Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
   Removal and installation of the steering pump
   Air removal from a hydraulic path of system of strengthening of a wheel
   Wheels and tires - the general information
   Corners of installation of wheels
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Replacement of protective covers of the steering mechanism


1. Weaken nuts of fastening of the corresponding wheel. To Poddomkratta a car front also establish it on props. Remove a wheel.
2. Remove from a bar of steering draft a tip and its lock-nut (see. Removal and installation of tips of steering drafts).

3. Have a bite бокорезами and remove bandage tapes of fastening of a rubber protective cover of the steering mechanism (see an accompanying illustration).

4. Before installation of a new cover wind the cut end of steering draft with an adhesive tape casually not to damage small sponges of a cover when landing it on draft.
5. Put on a new cover draft and pull it on a crater of the steering mechanism, having tracked correctness of landing of its sealing sponges in a reception flute. Fix a cover new bandage tapes.
6. Remove an adhesive tape and screw on a place a tip of steering draft (see. Removal and installation of tips of steering drafts).
7. Establish into place a wheel. Lower the car on the earth and tighten wheel nuts with demanded effort (see. Specifications to Head Routine maintenance).