Honda Civic/Acura Integra

since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Honda Tsivik
+ Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand Cars
+ Maintenance instruction
- Routine maintenance
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   General information about settings and adjustments
   Check of levels of liquids (each 400 km of run or weekly)
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure of their rating (each 400 km of run or weekly)
   Check of level of liquid of the power steering (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months)
   Check of level of ATF AT/CVT (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months)
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months)
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check, service and charging of the storage battery (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Condition check, adjustment of effort of a tension and replacement of driving belts, (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of a condition and replacement of the hoses located in an impellent compartment (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of a condition of components of system of cooling (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Rotation of wheels (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of brake system (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of a condition of seat belts (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)
   Check and adjustment of gaps of valves (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)
   Replacement of a filtering element of an air purifier (each 24 000 km of run or time in two years)
   Check of a condition of components of a power supply system (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)
   Check of level of the RKPP transmission oil (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)
   Survey of components of a suspension bracket and steering drive, check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Check of a condition of components of system of production of the fulfilled gases (each 9600 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of a condition and replacement of spark plugs
   Check of a condition and replacement of VV of candle wires, covers and a distributor begunka (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Check and replacement of the valve of system of operated ventilation of a case (PCV) (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Replacement of the fuel filter (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Check and adjustment of turns of idling (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Service of system of cooling (an oporozhneniye, washing and filling) (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Replacement of brake liquid (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Replacement of liquid of automatic transmission (AT/CVT) (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   RKPP transmission oil replacement (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Dumping of the counter of the indicator of intervals of service
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ gear shifting Box
+ clutch and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Check of level of the RKPP transmission oil (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)


1. The case of RKPP is not equipped measuring the shchupy. Level of transmission oil in a transmission is checked by a reversing of a control/jellied stopper from a lateral wall of a case (see an accompanying illustration). Find a stopper on the right side of RKPP and carefully wipe it and a surface of a case surrounding it pure rags. Turn out a stopper – level of transmission oil in a case should reach the bottom cut of a control/jellied opening, otherwise it is necessary to make the corresponding adjustment. If the car is lifted for ensuring access to RKPP case before being appropriated for it make sure of reliability of fastening of props.

The car should be established strictly horizontally.

2a. In case of need, through the same opening add in RKPP case necessary amount of oil of a demanded grade – use a funnel (see accompanying illustrations).

2b. It is possible to consider level given to norm when oil starts to follow a thin stream from an opening.

3. Screw a stopper on a place and strongly tighten it. Make short trial runs of the car after which make sure of absence of leakages of oil through a stopper.