Honda Civic/Acura Integra

since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Honda Tsivik
+ Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand Cars
+ Maintenance instruction
- Routine maintenance
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   General information about settings and adjustments
   Check of levels of liquids (each 400 km of run or weekly)
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure of their rating (each 400 km of run or weekly)
   Check of level of liquid of the power steering (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months)
   Check of level of ATF AT/CVT (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months)
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months)
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check, service and charging of the storage battery (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Condition check, adjustment of effort of a tension and replacement of driving belts, (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of a condition and replacement of the hoses located in an impellent compartment (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of a condition of components of system of cooling (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Rotation of wheels (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of brake system (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of a condition of seat belts (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)
   Check and adjustment of gaps of valves (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)
   Replacement of a filtering element of an air purifier (each 24 000 km of run or time in two years)
   Check of a condition of components of a power supply system (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)
   Check of level of the RKPP transmission oil (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months)
   Survey of components of a suspension bracket and steering drive, check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Check of a condition of components of system of production of the fulfilled gases (each 9600 km of run or time in 6 months)
   Check of a condition and replacement of spark plugs
   Check of a condition and replacement of VV of candle wires, covers and a distributor begunka (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Check and replacement of the valve of system of operated ventilation of a case (PCV) (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Replacement of the fuel filter (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Check and adjustment of turns of idling (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Service of system of cooling (an oporozhneniye, washing and filling) (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Replacement of brake liquid (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Replacement of liquid of automatic transmission (AT/CVT) (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   RKPP transmission oil replacement (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)
   Dumping of the counter of the indicator of intervals of service
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ gear shifting Box
+ clutch and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Check of a condition and replacement of VV of candle wires, covers and a distributor begunka (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months)

Check of a condition of VV of wires should be made each time at replacement of spark plugs (see. Check of a condition and replacement of spark plugs).


1. Check begins with external survey of isolation of wires at the working engine. Tire out the car in a dark room, start the engine and make sure of lack of an iskroobrazovaniye on the wires connected with breakdown of their isolation. Try not to touch moving components in an impellent compartment. Make necessary marks on replacement of defective wires, then let's to the engine cool down and start checks of a condition of a cover and a begunka of the distributor of ignition.
2. Check of candle wires is made serially in order to avoid violation of an order of their connection at assembly. Usually on isolation of firm wires there is the corresponding marking. In case of absence that, put it independently by means of an adhesive tape and a marker.
3. Disconnect VV a wire from a spark plug (best of all use the special tool). At all do not pull for a wire, only for its tip.
4. Examine internal walls of a tip. Corrosion is usually shown in the form of a fragile korkoobrazny raid of white color.
5. Pull a tip back on a shaft of the candle, make sure of density of its landing. In case of need again remove a tip and turn in plugs in a rubber cover.
6. Pure rags wipe a wire on all its length, having completely removed from an isolation surface dirt and greasing traces. Examine wire isolation on existence of cracks, traces прогара and other damages. Try not to bend a wire under acute angles in order to avoid violation of integrity of veins of the conductor in isolation.
7. Disconnect a wire from the distributor (again pull only for a tip, instead of for a wire). Check a tip on existence of signs of corrosion and landing density on the plug. Again connect a wire to the distributor.
8. Operating in a similar manner, serially check a condition of all remained candle wires. Make sure of reliability of their connection to candles and distributor plugs.
9. In need of performance of replacement of VV of wires track that replaceable wires corresponded on the standard size to parameters of the engine of your car. In firm shops of automobile accessories and Honda company service centers always it is possible to get sets of VV of the wires cut on length and equipped with tips ready to the use. Remove and replace wires serially in order to avoid violation of an order of ignition.

10a. Turn out fixing screws (see an accompanying illustration).

10b. Cнимите distributor cover. Attentively check a cover as outside...

10c.... and from within (see accompanying illustrations) on existence of cracks, coal paths, traces прогара, weakening of contact connections and other damages.

11a. Weaken the fixing screw (see an accompanying illustration).

11b. Cнимите a begunok from a distributor shaft also examine it on existence of cracks and coal paths (see an accompanying illustration).

12. Good practice is replacement of a cover and a begunka of the distributor of ignition regardless of their condition each time at installation of new VV of wires. When using old components carefully smooth out contact surfaces of their plugs and measure resistive resistance of wires and a roof (see. Specifications to the present Chapter).
13. At installation of a new cover of the distributor transfer on it from old VV of a wire, connecting them it is strict in a former order – try not to disconnect all wires at the same time, transfer them serially.

The order of ignition is specified in Specifications at the beginning of the present Chapter. On the majority of models the protective ledge of a wire of a candle of the first cylinder on a cover of the distributor is marked.